

(窩客島體驗)【瑪可緹Mocktail Tea】不只是好茶

2014年11月12日 — ◎(窩客島體驗)【瑪可緹Mocktail Tea】不只是好茶,連輕食和甜點都表現不俗哪! · 創意的調和茶飲,除了茶香,更多了豐富的層次感,飲一口,滿是芳香!

瑪可緹Mocktail Tea。無負擔的輕系純茶飲。一同感受這茶香的 ...

2013年5月19日 — 痾~只能說跟珍珍所想像的不太一樣耶! 珍珍希望吃起來會有滿嘴濃郁的芝麻香,可能芝麻醬過於水感,所以吃起來的口感還好,就~很一般啦!

Earl Grey Iced Tea Mocktail Recipe

To make the mocktail, pour 50ml of your Earl Grey Tea Syrup over crushed ice. Add the juice of ½ a lemon and top up with your favourite tonic water. We love how ...

The 10 BEST Non

2023年1月5日 — Ingredients In This Spicy Apple-Ginger Mocktail · 1 cup apple juice · 1 tsp Lady Ginger tea (or another ginger tea of choice) · 1/2 cup hot ...

春水堂新品牌:Mocktail Tea 瑪可緹

2013年9月16日 — 這幾年來飲料品牌相當的火紅,有些甚至是多角化經營, 今天要介紹的是春水堂的新品牌,走輕食路線的「Mocktail Tea 瑪可緹」。

瑪可緹Mocktail tea|訂位優惠五折起

「Mocktail」的意思為仿製雞尾酒(Cocktail) 的作法,但不使用酒精的調和飲料,中文我們取名為『瑪可緹』,是以茶為基底的輕調和飲料,透過不同的方式演譯茶的各種變化 ...

5 Fun Tea

Tea-based mocktails are a great way to enjoy a refreshing and healthy cocktail-alternative beverage packed with flavor and antioxidants.

120 Best Iced Tea Cocktail and Mocktail Recipes ideas

Iced Tea Cocktail and Mocktail Recipes. Iced tea is great to serve when it's hot. Add some delicious fruit flavors, and you've got a yummy drink to sip on a hot ...

Tea Infused Recipes

A delicious collection of iced tea mocktails recipes with a range of sweet and spicy flavours. A selection of tea mocktails infused with yummy flavours and ...